Gabbiano Hotel

Marina di Pulsano
- Salento



Il Gabbiano Hotel is  situated in a stretch of coast between the most beautiful of the Ionian coast of Salento, in Marina di Pulsano, set to guard a large creek and sheltered from the winds, despite the direct view on the beautiful blue sea. The site on which it stands is called “The Fountain”. The reference is to the underground spring that flows regularly on the surface, channeling the cool waters of the natural channel directly into the sea where you can “hear” walking in the sand on the shore. Even today, the air we breathe, in the warm evenings of August, is kissed by the cool breeze that will accompany you in the evenings by candlelight or over a drink at the Bar Le Sirene pool. 
Price min. Price max
€ 45,00 € 110,00

Price per person in double room with bed and breakfast

Quotazioni gruppo

  • On request

Discounts and extras on request

  • Children 0 – 4
  • Children 5 – 11
  • Special 3/18 yers old 3° bed extra bed in a double room
  • Classic and comfort rooms
  • Restaurant
  • Beach
  • Pool
  • Meetings and conferences

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